School Life

Our goal is to shape pupils of strong and compassionate character and to prepare the boys to lead happy, generous and fulfilled lives. Hence, we have an excellent system of pastoral care which ensures that staff, pupils and families are well connected and are committed to looking out for one another.

The house system in particular, where each pupil belongs to a house for the duration of their time at the school, allows staff to observe how boys are progressing outside of the classroom as well as providing a wonderful source of friendship and peer support.

We also ensure that the boys are given ample time and opportunity to discover and cultivate personal interests, skills and new areas of knowledge. Independent thinking and exploration is encouraged and we have no Westminster mould, no typical pupil. Our aim is to draw out and develop individual talent wherever it lies, within a school environment that is busy, passionate and purposeful.

Overall the life of the school is a happy and healthy one, where the boys experience great enjoyment in belonging to a community of people that appreciate their intelligent and enquiring natures, revel in similarities but also in differences and seek to nurture personal interests, whatever they may be. At Westminster, having an interest in Pi and Pythagoras is as valued as an interest in Messi, Ronaldo and Salah.

"Our aim is to draw out and develop individual talent wherever it lies, within a school environment that is busy, passionate and purposeful."

Find out when your child is able to join the School using the personalised age checker and timeline.

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