In many of our sports the pupils benefit from the teaching of professional coaches; this is an enormous asset to us, particularly when it comes to preparing our pupils to represent the school in both local and national sporting events.

Our Sport programme offers pupils a choice of more than 20 different sporting activities. Each week pupils have two morning or afternoon sessions dedicated to Games. In addition to this, the children also benefit from a PE lesson and, up to the end of Year 6, a weekly swimming lesson at the Queen Mother Sports Centre located nearby. With a focus on several traditional sports, our pupils nevertheless also get to experience a wide variety of activities such as Fives, Ultimate Frisbee, table tennis and gymnastics: there really is something for everyone. All lessons are designed to help children develop an understanding of their bodies in action, enabling them to perform with increasing competence and confidence in a range of physical activities and promote a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

We are extremely fortunate to have an unparalleled amount of our own space for sport. In addition to our playing fields at Vincent Square we have a wonderful Sports Centre that we share with the Great School, offering over 6,000m² of indoor space and housing a multi-use movement studio, a rowing training suite, fencing pistes, indoor cricket nets, a fully equipped gym, two climbing walls, a Judoka and a table tennis area and courts for basketball, netball, five-a-side football, volleyball, hockey and badminton.

"In addition to the health benefits of regular exercise and the enjoyment our pupils find in playing sport, we also give our pupils the opportunity to gain important life skills. "

In many of our sports the pupils benefit from the teaching of professional coaches; this is an enormous asset to us, particularly when it comes to preparing our pupils to represent the school in both local and national sporting events.

In addition to the health benefits of regular exercise and the enjoyment our pupils find in playing sport, we also give our pupils the opportunity to gain important life skills. Qualities linked to our Core Values of as commitment, resourcefulness, integrity, compassion, diligence and service can be developed through competing against other individuals and teams, in addition to learning how to be both gracious winners and good losers.

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