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Web3 has arrived at WUS – Introducing Drippy™ NFT
May 23, 2024

Drippy™, Westminster’s inaugural drop, incentivises our fellow pupils to clear up our environment. Once a pupil fills up a binbag with plastic, during a lunchtime litter pick, some Ethereum is transferred to them, with which they mint their very own unique Drippy NFT, designed by Wade, a Year 9 artist.  This project, part of last year’s WUS Shot initiative, has already cleared 27 bin bags of plastic from Westminster and Pimlico’s streets.

Team Westminster, led by Prabhath, and Wade, and Mr. Matthews, is driving this effort to raise awareness of waste management and environmental responsibility among pupils. By offering NFTs as rewards, the initative aims to boost participation and foster sustainable habits.

NFTs are gaining recognition as valuable digital assets. Designed by Wade, Drippy NFTs signify a dedication to cleaner communities and oceans. To earn one, pupils join litter picks during their lunch break and follow a straightforward process to claim their NFT.

As the project gains momentum, the team intends to broaden its impact beyond WUS. Future NFT collections will pay tribute to school icons and showcase student artwork, making this initiative easily accessible to wider communities.

With 27 bin bags already cleared from Westminster and Pimlico’s streets, the impact of Drippy NFTs is apparent. By merging technology with environmental advocacy, WUS pupils are not only tidying their surroundings but also aiming to inspire others to follow.

Dat Drippy Incrementum.

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