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Westminster Under School receives glowing inspection report
November 23, 2021

The highest possible Excellent-Excellent rating has been awarded to the School, with academic excellence and personal development both praised by inspectors

In the report published in October 2021, the team of school inspectors rewarded the school with a coveted ‘double Excellent’ in both key areas of educational quality:

  • The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent
  • The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent

During the two-day inspection by the Independent Schools Inspectorate, Westminster Under School was also found to be fully compliant with all regulations concerning quality of education, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, welfare and health and safety, and quality of leadership and management.

Kate Jefferson, Master of Westminster Under School, said: “There is much to be proud of within the report. I would like to extend my thanks and congratulations to all staff, who showed the School at is best during a rigorous and challenging inspection, and who work tirelessly on a daily basis to ensure the best possible education for our boys. I would also like to congratulate the boys, who are described admirably throughout the report as kind, respectful, articulate and as making ‘very significant and well-received contributions to school life’.”

One parent commented: “We knew already the entire School is excellent, but it is great to read that the Inspectorate came to the same conclusion. Congratulations for all the hard and precious work done in the past challenging months: I trust this further great achievement will build the base for continuing successes in forming and educating our boys and it gives clear evidence – if ever needed ! – of the commitment and quality of the work done by you all at the School. Well done again!”

— Download the full inspection report —

Some quotes from the Inspection report:

“Pupils demonstrate high levels of achievement in the wide-ranging extra-curricular programme, including sporting, creative and academic activities.”

“Pupils demonstrate strong commitment to the school’s core values: integrity, compassion, diligence and service.”

“Pupils show great respect for each other’s cultures and backgrounds in this diverse school community.”

“Pupils make rapid progress in all subjects because they work hard in lessons, listen carefully to teachers’ guidance and use a dynamic range of resources to find things out for themselves.”

“Pupils in all year groups are articulate, expressive, confident communicators.”

“Pupils develop exceptionally strong mathematical skills as they progress through the school.”

“Pupils insightfully relate their classroom, club and societies activities to their aspirations for future success in life.”

“Pupils willingly participate in sporting activities, artistic enterprises and the intellectual challenges delivered in chess and other games. Pupils exhibit strong self-belief and are incredibly self-confident.”

“Pupils demonstrate deep appreciation of non-material aspects of life alongside a sound recognition of their own spiritual and philosophical development.”

“In school, pupils take on responsible roles as prefects, school council members and ‘doctors’ — their term for aiding others to improve achievement.”

“Pupils have an excellent understanding of how to stay safe and to keep healthy.”

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